Sangiovese 750ml - fragrance diffuser

  • WIN-SANG-750US

Intense atmospheres charged with energy and warmth.
Sweet, full-bodied notes with scents of red berries.
The fragrance stirs up emotions from the deepest corners of the soul, evoking memories, passions, and forgotten dreams.

Diffuser sticks cm. 43 (black)

$154.00 Save $40.00

Note: The images of the product and its contents shown on the website are only for illustrative purposes and may be subject to change. We do not guarantee that any image appearing on the website will in all cases reflect a product’s true appearance as each batch of products is made artisanally.
Warning: Note del Chianti may periodically update the ingredient list of its products. Before using any product, please consult the ingredient list on the label to make sure that the ingredients are suitable for your skin.

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